How far along: 14 Weeks!! Adios, 1st Trimester!!! I will NOT miss you one little bit. Whew, that was brutal.
Size of babe: This ultrasound picture was from week 12. The tech tried to get us a good profile, but little stinker wouldn't budge and kept its hand right on top of its face...hence the beak looking profile.
Brynn will ask me, "see picture my baby?" and she will open this on my phone. So adorable!
This week baby is the size of a lemon.
Husband: Still being our hero. He's pretty much taking care of most meals & entertaining Brynn in the evenings while I'm sick and resting. I'm pretty sure he's counting down the days until I feel better. We love you J!
Maternity Clothes: For sure. After getting ready for church Sunday morning, I now have a pile of clothes that I was SURE would fit that absolutely do not fit. I have some birthday money marked specifically for maternity clothes and plan to shop Wednesday while B is at Grams! Yay!
Loving: Still enjoying my 9:00 bedtime and afternoon naps. An entire week off for Thanksgiving break! The little bit of energy I'm getting back.
Loathing: When I wait too long to eat. When I have to think about what I want to eat. When Brynn asks me to get her a snack. Just looking in the pantry or fridge is enough to do me in.
Movement: None yet.
Symptoms: Still dealing with the occasional nausea and all day queasiness. It's not constant, which is great, but it seems to come out of no where when it does hit. I feel like I coped with this so much better the first go around!
Tossing and turning all night long. Weird dreams. And crying at the most ridiculous things!
Best Part of the Week: I got this little treat in the mail...
I've had it in my Amazon cart for a while and the price went WAY down last week and before I knew it I clicked purchase!
And these 2 sweet pictures of Miss B from last week make my heart so full!
Aunt DeAnn popped into Brynn's Thanksgiving Feast at SNS Thursday. How CUTE is she!?
Worst Part of the Week: Dealing with insurance. Seriously, its such a mess. A major mess. We have a meeting today that will hopefully help us make sense of our options. But at this point it looks like we will be switching doctors...and hospitals and I'm so upset about it. We LOVE our doctors and trust them completely. Over the past month I've just prayed that God would work this out in His way and as of now it seems His way is not my preference. So I'm doing my best to just go with it. Is anyone else in this boat with insurance? Any advice?
Missing Most: My motivation. A clean house.
Can't wait for: Thanksgiving!! Bring on the second helpings! And cousins, and puzzles and football and family time!
We just started discussing names this weekend & I found this fun app called "Baby Name." You & your hubby download the app and connect accounts. The app brings up names (and meanings, which honestly I'm pretty sure they make up half of them) and you swipe left if you don't like it and right if you do. Then it shows you a list of names you've both liked. It's been pretty funny for us to see what matches. We have 5 matches so far...2 of them are the same name but with different spellings and so far every one has been a name we've discussed in the past. But it has brought up a few that we really love!
It also has some really ridiculous options that make me lol!
I've always kept a list of names I like on my phone, but when it comes down to actually naming a real live kid they have all seemed to go out the window!
Happy Thanksgiving week! I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, food and family filled week! I don't know about you, but I'm SO looking forward to this super cold and raining weather headed our way...favorite!