I really have enjoyed blogging this way. Once a week with everything crammed into one post! It's so easy to keep up with. You should join us!
{And by us, I mean these girls who I blog stalk and don't actually know in real life! Ha!}
**I wrote this blog while watching the weather coverage of this crazy Lubbock weather. It always proves to be very entertaining!**
We started our Memorial Day Weekend helping my sister and her husband move apartments. We all met at Rosa's before and Brynn was sporting the world's sweetest piggy tails!
B also learned how to say "Reagan!" Saturday and I think she yelled, "REAGAN!" 45 times at lunch.
And when she's being serious she will call me, "MORGAN!" and when we are trying to leave the house she says, "JONATHAN! YOU READY!?"
hehe! I wonder why she says that. ;)
Then on Tuesday she let me give her a pony tail.
Sometimes she will sit in my lap and let me fix her hair as long as I want. And sometimes she says, "NO! No pony!"
And I have to chase her to just put a clippie in.
It's still not quite long enough. But it's definitely cute enough & my FAVORITE thing right now!
And it was just warm enough for the water table!
Sunday night we had a Mills Family Fish Fry at my grandparents and it was a yummy FAVORITE this week!
Anyone who knows my grandpa knows that he is the definition of a fisherman. If there was one fish in the lake & 30 people fishing...he would catch it!
I'm really looking forward to getting B to the lake for a day or two this summer.
We continued our eating Monday night at momma & daddy's.
Mom brought out my sisters old doll house. We laid down a blanket. Pulled out the giant umbrella. Little Miss isn't spoiled one bit. ;)
The big kids played croquet. And I made the best shot, probably of all time. Seriously. I impressed myself. But then I majorly lost. I see lots of croquet games in our summer. Brynn made a game of moving the balls around. ha!
In our home guacamole is sacred. We love it. We make it once or twice a week and this girl cannot get enough. It's a FAVORITE for sure.
She usually ends up sucking it off chips or eating it with her hands.
Brynn has just gotten into pretend play. The other day she was walking around the house with Jonathan's phone charger draped around her neck like it was a stethoscope. She would listen to the hearts of all her stuffed animals and babies. So cute! And SO unsafe. So I found this doctor kit on major sale at Target and scooped it up Wednesday!
Another new play FAVORITE is paint & play dough. And if you don't get it out for her quick enough she flails around in front of the craft closet. And if you don't get the correct color out she will let you have it. It's slowly becoming B's way or the highway around the Garner house.
Just try these. You'll eat the whole bag. But it's worth it. Delish.
I've had several unfavorites this week. Unfavorites that have happened to me & close friends and all I want to say about it now is...life is disappointing. It often doesn't go the way we think it should go. But I guess that is what helps us remember that this world is not our home & to be thankful in all circumstances.
Ok, a light hearted unfavorite.
Who decided that you have to cook during summer? 45 min of cooking, 45 min of dishes. Who wants that?? I'm thinking about using all of my food budget for the summer for eating out. We will just bounce around all the dollar menus & kids eat free days. That's healthy. Right?
What are your favorites from the week?
Happy Friday! Stay safe & on higher ground this weekend Texas friends.