It's finally finished!
Welcome to Jack's little room.
I couldn't decide one on particular theme so we are just going with "all-things-boy-eclectic." That works, right?
In his "all-things-boy" room, we've got woodland animals, football, baseball, farm, Texas, and lots of pattern.
I saw the little toy fox & this wire shelf in the nursery that my friend Diana designed for her little boy & I went right to Amazon and Target and got them for myself!
{I really enjoy to reading blogs where they link up to where everything is from...but I just don't want to do that for everything, and I'm not really sure any of you if you see something you want to know about, let me know and I'll tell you where it's from!}
I love all the little trinkets in his room. Almost all of them have a special meaning or story behind them.
The tractors are my daddy's.
The little mailbox next to the books belonged to our Jack's namesake, his great grandpa Jack.
The Texas "home" sign is part of a gift from my momma.
The blue bins are FILLED with toys {most left over from when Brynn was a baby.}
Onto the crib corner!
I've had my eye on these little animal prints for over a year from one of my favorite ETSY shops.
{If we were having a girl I would have been all over this one...adorable!}
His mobile is also from ETSY. I bought the actual mobile separate from the felt balls. The felt balls came as a garland so I just cut them to the sizes I wanted and attached to the mobile piece. I love how it turned out!
My incredibly talented momma made the bumper pads, curtains, & crib skirt {the crib skirt is actually re-purposed from Brynn's room! She just removed the blue flower fabric and added in the plaid!}
And the worlds softest blanket award goes to this little guy. Like I might want to use it mostly for my own comfort. Hah! Thanks for the blankie Aunt DeAnn! I love the orange pop it adds to the room.
Play corner! I wanted to save a space in his room that he could access toys, books, and just have a place to explore as he gets older. The lamp was in our room, so I just relocated it into his room, the low book shelf is from Target, & I majorly scored the wooden play cube on a local resale site!
My little jammie clad helper wanted me to take her picture by her "new favorite toy." That toy has been in the living room for her to play with also, when she saw that I moved it in there she looked at me in total disbelief and said, "What is THIS doing in HERE!?"
Excuse the great white spot...that's the window & lamp. One day, maybe, I'll get a real camera and learn how to use it...until then my phone pics will have to work!
Before I started looking for bedding & fabric I knew I wanted it to go with Brynn's rocker. I really like how it looks with the blue plaid...and SO glad to re-purpose it without recovering. Are you seeing a trend here? Lots of rearranging & re-purposing over here!
Last time we made an IKEA trek I picked up like 5 {seriously} of these fake plants with containers & I use them all over the house. I think there is one in every room!
The monogram pillow is possibly my favorite thing about the room. I searched high and low for the perfect one {I plan to take his monthly pictures next to it} & fell in LOVE when I saw it on ETSY {another trend...ETSY} & then was bummed to see that the shop was on vacation. I messaged the seller & she re-opened her shop so I could order. SO Awesome!
This is the shared wall with Brynn's room. And I'm proud to say that all of these things have stayed put through several wall kicking tantrums from nap refusing sister. :)
A jack for Jack.
I can imagine our first family of 4 photo in this frame.
I can imagine our first family of 4 photo in this frame.
This is the scripture we chose to pray over Jack. I apparently have a thing for verses that reference rooting yourself in the Lord. The scripture speaks not only to what I pray will be Jack's character, but also serves as a reminder of our job as his parents to teach & show him the truth.
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Colossians 2:6-7
Ok, this thing was a very happy accident!
I had the green frame in the garage, the cream pin board from when I sold KEEP and it just so happened that they fit perfectly! I hot glued them together, & after lots of trial and error with the letters, this was the final product. Favorite!
Another frame just waiting for a picture of our little man!
And the top left is the painting Brynn did. So special!
And there it is...I've been working on it for what seems like FOREVER & I'm glad to have that checked off the on to the other thousand things that need to be done within the next 3 weeks!
I hope you love your room JKG. I had the best time creating it for you!
Also, I'm 36 weeks today and feel every bit of it. I forget how these last few weeks make you SO ready for this stage to be over & to just get on with whatever it takes to get baby here. Now that I've finished about 8 loads of baby laundry, I think I'm finally settling into the idea that maybe, possibly we can handle this and I'm just ready to meet him!
Next bag packing!
I just love it!!! I love the corner with the rocker and that pillow is presh. It's perfect! Can't wait to see what Jack looks like! He will love his room!