
Sunday, December 14, 2014

The One Where My Sister Gets Married

We have had whirlwind of a week! My baby sister got married this weekend!  I am so proud of John and Reagan.  The way they honor God and each other is obvious.  I love you two and am so glad to have John as a brother.  

We started the festivities with a bridal brunch thrown by Dona Richardson at the country club.  It was beautiful! Everything was decorated perfectly and we had a great time visiting. 

I love these girls.  They are so good to my sister!  I had so much fun hanging out with them this weekend.  

Lindsey and little Luke made an appearance and I'm pretty sure he stole the show! 

Then the decorating started. 
 I really tried to help, but I mostly just moved from room to room starting at stuff!

Aunt DeAnn worked her magic with all of the chalkboards.  They looked incredible!

Then we rehearsed. 

And apparently Brynn was doing something completely unacceptable. Ha!

Wedding Day! 
First stop: Hair. 

Then lunch at Grams and Pops where Brynn put on a show and tried to sneak up on Griffin's food. 

Wedding Time!

High fives! Again, I love these girls! They helped us chase and entertain Brynn all day. 

She might have been impressed with herself.   

Something about a Daddy. 

Brynn did SO well at the wedding! At rehearsal she basically RAN down the isle, the night of the wedding she was a little slow and I wasn't sure she would make it.  But she walked right to Jonathan, yelled "AMEN!" really loud twice and then was quickly escorted to the nursery to play until it was over.  We ran this girl ragged all weekend and I am so happy with how she handled it. 

She steals my heart every day. 

"Sorry, Momma.  My flowers are better than your face."

Mackenzie also helped keep Brynn entertained by giving her some dancing music. It makes my heart happy when her and Carter come home!

More of Aunt DeAnn and Mrs. Lisa's incredible work. Together with Reagan and Momma, they pulled of one pretty gorgeous wedding. 

I love you sister.  You looked so beautiful, but that's no surprise.


Now these ladies worked HARD and kept everyone's plates full!

By this point Brynn was OVER it.  She snuck in some snuggles before Daddy brought her home to bed. 


I swiped these pics from John's sister.  Brynn's shoe kept falling off. So here's hoping we actually got a picture of the Garner's being still and smiling!

I love this family of mine! We missed all of you that couldn't be there!

It was a perfect day.  Jeremy shared some inspired words. And John made all of us girls cry by the way he looked at Reagan.  I love you both and am SO jealous that you are headed to DISNEY! May you continue to grow your relationship in God and the Word. I am so glad I get to witness His works in you. 

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